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Heightening Recession Risk Thumbnail

Heightening Recession Risk

The recent developments around the Federal Reserve's potential rate cut and labor market concerns are critical in understanding the current economic environment and its implications for our portfolio. This period has been marked by heightened discussions about a potential recession, driven by signals from various economic indicators and expert

One of the essential factors contributing to the recession risk is the anticipated Federal Reserve rate decision in September. As reported, there is a strong consensus that the Fed will cut rates by at least a quarter percentage point. This decision comes amid growing concerns about slowing economic growth and rising unemployment. The expected rate cut is seen as a response to these economic pressures, aiming to stimulate the economy and alleviate the downturn (The next big market catalyst after Nvidia: September Fed decision). Additionally, the unemployment rate has been rising in many

U.S. cities, paired with a decrease in average weekly wages in several metropolitan areas (US Cities Post Higher Unemployment and Many Suffer Wage Squeeze). This broad-based slowdown in the labor market underscores the economic fragility and is a red flag indicating potential recession risks ahead.

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve has shifted its focus more towards addressing unemployment. The employment data from July showed a slow growth of only 114,000 nonfarm payroll jobs, which was significantly below expectations. This shift in focus reflects the Fed's dual mandate of full employment and price stability, particularly as consumer confidence wanes (The Fed now will focus on the employment part of its mission - and for good reason). A decrease in consumer confidence and a growing perception among people that jobs are "hard to get" contribute to the recession risk narrative.

Given these developments, the heightened recession risk can affect different sectors in varied ways. Companies in the Consumer Staples sector, such as Costco Wholesale Corporation, often perform well during economic downturns as consumers shift towards value-oriented products. Our portfolio is strategically positioned to weather these economic shifts. With substantial investments in sectors like Consumer Staples and Information Technology, we can leverage the inherent strengths of these industries, navigate risks effectively, and ensure that our investments are well-prepared to handle potential downturns.

